Humpback whales back in the bay
Guess who’s back in the area as they migrate south for the summer?
According to a post by ORCA Foundation, with photos from Julene Capazorio, the popular and acrobatic, Humpback whales are also “known as the ‘Angels of the sea’ due to their elongated pectoral fins swinging through the air when they breach.
The Humpback whales are currently busy with their southerly migration back to their productive summer feeding grounds where they will be feeding on krill around Antarctica, they can eat up to 4 tonnes of krill to bulk up for their migration to their winter breeding and calving grounds. Plett is known as the Humpback whale ‘highway’ during their southward travels.”
The post continues: “We have had some amazing sightings of them frolicking in our bay alongside dolphins and seals during our opportunistic boat-based surveys with Ocean Blue Adventures where we collect data on marine animal movements and behaviours. These sightings of these very active and charismatic humpback whales should continue while they travel past our protective bay until December.”
So, hop onto a marine safari or keep your eyes glued to the bay to enjoy their antics!