Published: March 26th, 2020

Pick up a copy at your local grocery store during lockdown
Plett Tourism's latest issue of its Wine & Food magazine is now available in town at most major grocery stores and at selected accommodation establishments.
During the COVID-19 lockdown you can pick up a copy while you're doing your grocery shopping at Checkers, KwikSpar, Kwanokuthula Shopping Centre, Melville's Spar and Pick n Pay.
Copies will also be available at Clicks in the Melville's Centre, Bayview Hotel, Beacon Island Hotel, Dr Berning's surgery, Plett Police Station and The Junction Hotel.
The magazine is also available to read online (below), so if you're out of town or stuck indoors during lockdown, don't worry, you ...more
Published: March 12th, 2020
Plett Tourism's latest issue of its Wine & Food magazine has gone to print and will be available in town to read within the next week or so.
It'll also be available to read online, so if you're out of town, don't worry, you can also read all about what's new in Plett for the autumn months.
Here's a sneak preview of the cover to whet your appetite (pun completely intended)...
Published: February 16th, 2020
Plett was featured in the most recent issue of Vrouekeur magazine. For our Afrikaans readers, here's a snippet and a link to the full article... enjoy :-)
Ons gooi laatmiddag moeg ons bagasie by ons verblyf af en teen sononder sit ons soos oorsese toeriste op die koppie by Whalesong Hotel & Spa vir ’n
jenewer-ervaring. Shephard Hewu beveel vir ons elkeen ’n jenewer volgens ons voorkeure aan.
Hy kom met ’n oulike skinkbord met ment, aarbei, suurlemoen, lemoen, komkommer en ander geurmiddels na ons tafel toe en meng ons elkeen se drankie in ’n koperbekertjie. So terwyl die son oor die see ver onder in die baai ondergaan, teug ons aan ons drankies.
“Die jenewer-ervaring het ...more
Published: December 28th, 2019

Read the latest (December 2019) issue of the ORCA Times for news on Plettenberg Bay's charismatic wildlife and feedback on our recent conservation and education efforts!
Click here to download the magazine
Published: December 7th, 2019

The Plett Summer magazine for December 2019 - February 2020 is out now and includes information on events happening this Summer holiday season in Plettenberg Bay, editorials, special offers and more...
Get your copy at various locations in Plett, or pop into the Plett Tourism office to pick one up!
If you're not in town you can read it online here soon...
Published: September 18th, 2019

The Plett Adventure & Nature magazine for September- November 2019 is out this week and includes information on events happening this holiday season in Plettenberg Bay, the Plett HIGH FIVE Adventure Week, with editorials, events and special offers and more...
Get your copy at various locations in Plett, or pop into the Plett Tourism office to pick one up!
If you're not in town you can read it online here...
Published: June 13th, 2019

The Plett Culture & Heritage magazine for June - August 2019 is out this week and includes information on events happening this June holiday season in Plettenberg Bay, the Plett ARTS Festival, with editorials, events and special offers and more...
Get your copy at various locations in Plett, or pop into the Plett Tourism office to pick one up!
If you're not in town you can read it online here...
Published: April 4th, 2019

Read the latest issue of the ORCA Times for news on Plettenberg Bay's charismatic wildlife, including feedback on our recent conservation and education efforts.
Click here to read the magazine online
Published: March 25th, 2019
The Plett Wine & Food magazine for March 2019 is out this week and includes information on events happening this April holiday season in Plettenberg Bay, with editorials, activities and special offers, fabulous features on our up-and-coming agri-tourism sector, Plett's secret garden, delicious detours, fine foods and more...
Get your copy at various locations in Plett, or pop into the Plett Tourism office to pick one up!
If you're not in town you can read it online here...
Published: December 4th, 2018
The Plett Summer magazine for December 2018 is now out and includes information on events happening this summerin Plettenberg Bay, with editorials, activities and special offers.
Get your copy at various locations in Plett, or pop into the Plett Tourism office to pick one up!
If you're not in town you can read it online here...
Published: October 10th, 2018
The Plett Adventure & Nature magazine for October 2018 is now out and includes information on events happening this spring in Plettenberg Bay, with editorials, activities and special offers.
Get your copy at various locations in Plett, or pop into the Plett Tourism office to pick one up!
If you're not in town you can read it online here.
Published: June 18th, 2018
The Plett Culture & Heritage magazine 2018 is now out and includes information on events happening this winter during the Plett ARTS Festival in Plettenberg Bay, editorials, activities and special offers.
Get your copy at various locations in Plett, or pop into the Plett Tourism office to pick one up!
If you're not in town you can read it online here.