Offshore Adventures partners with Plett Shark Spotters for May
Over the past decade, Robberg Nature Reserve and swimming with Robberg’s colony of Cape fur seals has grown in popularity and it’s not difficult to see why: in the shallow, clear and sheltered waters on the leeward coastline of Robberg, the seals are in their natural element – playful and engaged – making for a unique and unforgettable marine adventure in South African waters.
Offshore Adventures has been operating seal swimming excursions to Robberg since December 2010, offering many visitors the opportunity to get a breathtaking look at South Africa’s marine wildlife. Plettenberg Bay’s marine life is a year-round attraction and whales, sharks, dolphins and seals are to be seen in the bay throughout the year – more often during the winter months of May through to October.
In light of this, Offshore Adventures has partnered with, and retained the services, of Shark Spotters for a trial period during the month of May. Two shark spotters have been retained to work on rotational shift and will be based on Robberg to observe the seal swimming area for Offshore Adventures’ swimmers. Offshore Adventures’ owner, Jaco Kruger is enthusiastic about the trial: “I think it’s very positive for us and also creates some employment and experience for the Plett Shark Spotters.”

Plett Shark Spotters was launched in 2022 when the town retained the services of Cape Town-based Shark Spotters who have been offering sustainable shark safety solutions in the Western Cape for almost 20 years. Kruger sees this partnership as beneficial to the town overall, the seal swimming industry and the local shark spotters themselves: “That’s the thing that hit me: the shark spotters have worked very hard in the summer months – in double shifts to cover the longer days – and it would be nice to keep most of them employed through the winter season. The more days they can spend at the seal colony or other spots will make them better spotters. In the summer season, they weren’t really exposed to white sharks – they saw mostly bronze whalers. So, now is a good time for them to get valuable experience.”
Offshore Adventures has experienced exceptional visibility this May and is expecting the beautiful winter conditions to continue. Book a seal swimming excursion today: www.offshoreadventures.co.za
Shark Safety Tips:
- The public are requested to adhere to the instructions from the Bitou Lifeguards, the Plett NSRI and Bitou Beach Control officials at all times, and to only swim in designated areas while lifeguards are on duty.
- Swim where lifeguards are on duty.
- Swim, surf or kayak in groups.
- Do not swim at dusk, dawn or at night.
- Stay in shallow water (waist-deep).