Plett Interns Bungy – Read about their experience 

bungy jumping
Published: March 25th, 2014

luckz-and-thandi-go-bungyOur Plett Tourism interns, Thandi and Luckz, braved the Face Adrenalin Bungy at Bloukrans Bridge recently and here is how they describe the experience of their first leap off the world’s highest bridge bungy:

ThandiClick here for Xhosa version 


I knew the day would come. I’m an intern at the Plett Tourism office, I see people every day who ask the same question, “What is there to do in the area”? Bungy jumping always came to mind and this was the first activity I would usually recommend. When asked if I had ever done it, the answer was always “NO NOT YET”. It was only a matter of time… I was notified one week in advance that we were going the following Wednesday. I immediately researched information on Face Adrenalin. It seemed safe, no accidents, enjoyable for the young and the old. I also read the scariest experience was the Bridge Walk which takes you to the edge. It really couldn’t be so bad…

Eventually the big day came and I wasn’t sure if I was ready for the JUMP! Along the way it started to rain, my luck ran out because they don’t cancel for rain! We arrived, filled out forms, weighed-in, buckled up and headed on our way. It was all very professional and I soon came to the realization that it was now official and I was going to jump. Our guide explained the use of different ropes according to weight, and that each rope may be used up to 1000 times but they only use it 500 times to ensure 100% safety. What a relief!

We were soon walking on the bridge, I must admit that was the scariest part of the activity. As I came close to the edge, I was more nervous and seriously doubted my willingness to jump. They tied my feet… 5! 4! 3! 2! BUNGY!!! I flew through the air at the fastest speed I have ever experienced outside of a car. I felt so free, there was a gentle breeze blowing from all direction and I found it very calming. I was then pulled up as one of the guides came down to fetch me.

That was one of the most amazing experiences I have ever had. I am unable to describe in full what this opportunity has done for me.  From now on, when I am asked if I have ever experienced a bungy jump, my immediate response will be a huge “YES MOST DEFINETLY”. Well done to the team at Face Adrenalin for helping someone like me overcome my fears to take that step. Keep it up guys!

By Thandiswa Mabukane

Thandi’s bungy jump in pictures:


Ndandiyazi iyokufika lemini nje ngo mfundi kwi ofisi yezokhenketho ePlett. Ndibona abantu ngazo zonke instuku bebuza umbuzo omnye, “Yintoni onokuyenza kwesisithili”? Ukutsiba iblorho okufikayo enqondweni futhi ibili phulo lokuqala ukulincoma. Xa ndibuzwa ukuba ndakhe ndayenza na, impendulo yam ibisoloko ingu “HAYI ANDIKAYENZI.” Ndaxelelwa  kuselithuba leveki ukuba siyahamba kulwesithathu ozayo. Ndikawuleze nda phanda incukacha nge Face Adrenalin. Ikhangeleka ikuselekile akho ngozi, ithandwa ngomstha nomdala. Ndifunde nangamava othusayo weBridge Walk  ekubeka kanye ekupheleni. Ayinobambi ngolohlobo…

Lafika ke olusuku lukhulu kananjalo ndandinga qinisekanga ukuba ndikulungele UKUTSIBA! Ekuhambeni kwexesha yaqala yana imvula, akhange ibelithamsanqa ngoba abavali ngenxa yemvula. Siye safika, sagcwalisa amagxwebhu, sabopha nezi nxibo salungisa saqhubekeka nendlela. Yayindilisekile isaziwa into eyenziwayo. Ndaqala ndaqonda ukuba ngoku isemthethweni ndizaku tsiba. Osikhokheleyo wasichazela indlela ezisetyenziswa ngazo intambo enye ingasetyenziswa amatyeli ali 1000 kodwa bona bayisebenzisa amatyeli angama khulu ama500 ukuqinisekisa ukuseleko olupheleleyo 100% . Kwatsho kwehla umoya !

Kunge kudala sikhawuleze sahamba eblorhweni mandivume yayisoyikisa leya inkqubo. Xa ndisondela ecaleni kwe blorho bendi noloyiko ndiphela ndingazithembi ukuba ndiyafuna ukutsiba . Babopha inyawo inyawo zam 5! 4! 3! 2! BUNGY!!!(tsiba). Ndatsiba  ndabhabha emoyeni ngamendu amakhulu endandiwazibula xa ndingaphandle emotweni . Ndaziva ndikhululekile, kukho impepho yomoya evela kwinkalo zonke.  Ndanyuswa njengoko omnye wabakhokheli wazakundithatha ezantsi.

Yayi ngamanye amava lawo kum endandiqala ukuwava. Kunzima ukuchaza ngokupheleleyo indima edlawe lelithuba kum. Usukela ngoko xa ndibuzwa ukuba ndakhe ndalenza utsibo lwe blorhwe, ngoko nangoko impendulo yam iba ngu, “EWE NDAKHE NDAYENZA.” Ndibathulela umqwzi abakwa Face Adrenalin ngoku nceda umntu ofana nam ngokoyisa uloyiko lwami ndathatha elinyathelo. Niqhubekele phambili ngomsebenzi wenu omhle.

Umbhali Thandiswa Mabukane

Luck’z  – Click here for Xhosa version 

My AWESOME Bungy Experience

I’ve heard people talking about how scary bungy jumping can be, but I wanted to discover this for myself, maybe it would be the complete and total opposite of what they say.

I decided to do a little bit of a research on my own. One of my colleagues told me, in extreme detail, what to expect and soon convinced me it would be a truly awesome experience.

Bungy jumping is not scary, but it did fill me with insecurities and doubt when I heard I was selected to go bungy jump at Face Adrenalin. I managed through most of my fears a few days before, but upon reaching the bridge I started to sense the fear. I walked steadily, but when they put me on the edge I had to be reminded by my guide that it was time to jump… I would go a maximum speed of 120 kilometres per hour… and that I shouldn’t be nervous or scared! Now tell me, THAT is the same speed as cars on the highway! It is a scary mission indeed!

When I jumped, I suddenly had the sensation that maybe they forgot to tie my legs. Here I was frantically looking down at the trees and rocks in a high speed downward freefall, thinking they may have forgotten something… but suddenly I heard a very loud “BANG”. The ropes pulled me back up, down, left and right… they remembered to tie my legs thank goodness. There was a huge sense of relief and calm while I hung quietly and took the time to enjoy the beautiful natural view surrounding me. I was soon gently lifted and realized I was in good hands – these guys are perfect for their job with understanding and caring attitudes and complete efficiency with the equipment – everything was just awesome!  

Yes, it is stated that bungy jumping is 100% safe, but one of the reasons I chose to jump was not because of the words stated about the safety, but because of this company’s professional, well organized team working hand-in-hand to make sure my experience was exceptional. I would do it again and again and again! It was awesome!

by Luck’z Mdzeke

Luck’z bungy jump in pictures:


Kwaku kudala abantu bethetha, malungana noku kutsiba kweyona blorho inzulu apha emhlabeni jikelele. Kuba ndandifuna ukuzibonela ngalana wam enyama, ndaqonda mhlawumbi iimbono zam nakwaba ndive ngabo hleze zingafani ngoba bona babesithi iyoyikisa kwaye anoze baphinde bayenze.

Ndazigqibela kwelithi make ndizenzele olwam uphando malungana nale “BUNGY JUMP” (ukutsiba eblorhweni). Omnye wabasembenzi endisebenza nabo ukhe wandithi vandla-vandla ngalo mtsibo, kuba yena wayesuka ukutsiba ngaphambili.Kwaye wandikhuthaza ngendlela engumangaliso, endixelela ngobumnandi nobutroti obufunekayo xana uzixelele ngokwa kutsiba, nendlela oye uzive ngayo xana ugqibile ukuyenza I-BUNGY JUMP.

Ukutsiba kule blorho apha kum yayingelilo kwaphela uloyiko, Kwa ngelaxesha ndandingekayi. Kodwa bebukhona ukungathembi ncam! okuhamba nexhala lokwenza into engaqhelekanga. Ngoko ndandibala kabini kathathu, ndathi ndakufika eblorhweni ngaphantsi emdeni wokutsiba, zafika iincinga zokuba xana uzijula uhla ngenqanaba elikhulu lesantya elingaphezulu kwekhulu, ukuya kwikhulu elinamashumi amabini. ngaphakathi yabe isithi inqondo, kodwa! sesenqwelo mafutha esi isantya! ukungathembi nevalo labe ludlala ngam.

Ndathi ndakutsiba, ndayiva indlela endihla ngayo, isantya sona sabe singakanani! nkosi yam, yintoni lena ndizifake kuyo! ndatsho ngaphakathi. ndabe ndingayekanga ukuhla ngesivinini ndijonge ngezantsi emithini nase matyeni, endandicinga ndizaw`ntlitheka kuyo, ndava ngesandi u “BANG” tshini!! ndisezandleni eziphephileyo ukuba kuphelele apha! ndatsho ngaphakathi kwakhona! yabe lantambo ndandibotshelelwe ngayo emilenzeni inditsalela  ekunene, ekhohlo, macala onke. kulapho ndaziva noko ubomi bam abukho sebungciphekweni. ngokwendlela abasebenzisana ngayo yonke into yahamba mpintsi-mpontsho!!

Ewe imibhalo iyatsho ukuba abukho ubungcipheko xana uyokutsiba, kodwa eyonanto eyandikhuthazayo kwaye eyandenza ndizive ndisezandleni ezinenkathalo yindlela ekusetyenziswana ngayo, ekuthethwa ngayo, nembeko abanayo, nezinye impawu ezibonakalisa unqheqesho kwabasebenzi. ngoko ndithi ndinokuphinda ndiye uyokutsiba, ngoba kolwam utsibo lokuqala yonke into yase Face Adrenalin yaba Mpintshi-mpontsho!!

Umbhali Luck’z Mdzeke