Positive feedback…
Over the past 10 years we’ve had so much positive feedback from our members, subscribers, visitors and followers, so we thought we’d share a few of their comments with you here…
Thank you for your support!
What people say…
Hi guys
I just wanted to blow your horn some haha.
I moved to CT 2 years ago from Sedgefield. Worked in Harkerville at the Ziplines before.
I have some Plett WhatsApp groups and FB groups still and I find that you exceed marketing yourself BY FAR better than any.
Even the gorgeous Cape has not gotten the knack like you do. Well done. I miss all of you. Keep up the fabulous work.
Good afternoon. We are 5 visitors from Scotland and have been here for 3 nights. We leave tomorrow for Cape Town. When we arrived we visited your information centre in Plett. Wow we were amazed at how knowledgeable, interesting Emily was and what great customer service we received from her. She was friendly, charming and could not have helped us more. She gave us recommendations for places to visit and local facilities. We went to see her again today and once again the service we received was amazing. She is a great credit to your organisation and gave us the best impression of the helpfulness and friendliness of Plett we could have had. Thank you and Emily soooo much for enhancing our stay here. We will pass the message on when we go back to Scotland.
Jane Campbell
Nathalie and I would just like to thank Plett Tourism for the support of this colourful, zany community fun fundraising event. Your support on the Plett tourism website and helping the event through the municipal processes was of great benefit to the successful running of the event.
Without the support of PLETT TOURISM, we would find it extremely difficult to host events of this nature.
John and Nathalie (PAWS Amazing Race)
Plett’s Tourism Centre is centrally situated – upstairs at Melville’s corner, right on Main St. Follow the green “I” and you can’t go wrong! As with most of the Western Cape Tourism centres, I was able to pick up maps and pamphlets there. The staff are informed and easy to chat to and certainly have their finger on the pulse of what is happening! They are indeed fortunate, as from their premises, you can see the whole expanse of the Bay!
Visitor on TripAdvisor
I would like to say a big THANK YOU to you and Patty and everyone else from Plett Tourism for including Adi’s Kitchen in the event! It was definitely beneficial for my business and created general awareness. I remain committed and proud to be part of anything that I can be part of through Plett Tourism!
Adi’s Kitchen
Thank you very much for always creating platforms for the artists. I feel lot of people didn’t know I existed, but because of you, more people do. You manage to make something out of a small budget to give us the necessary exposure. You truly are the right person for what you are doing. May the sponsors give you the necessary funding so that you can put our town on the map again.
Much love & respect,
Maphiko Mncedisi Ncedani
We were open yesterday during the Twilight Meander and our hidden spot in the Courtyard was found by SO many people!! And we did’nt close until after 8.
Thank you for all your effort.
Yesterday’s turnout attests to your great planning and effective promotion of the Festival and Plett.
Patrick & Laurian
r e i d w o o d
Please allow me also to take this opportunity to personally thank you and your team at Plett Tourism/ Plett It’s a Feeling, especially Ms. Cindy Wilson-Trollip. Without your support and assistance and commitment to driving this event through the various channels at Bitou Council, the district, and provincial government, the event would most certainly have been cancelled.
We look forward to many more years of successfully held December regattas in this beautiful bay with our friends at Plett Tourism/ Plett It’s a Feeling and Bitou Council!
Kevin Allan
Hobie 16 Nationals Regatta Chairman
I want to really express my sincere appreciation for inviting us (to Plett Conversations) and for the warm welcome we received. It is always good to network with the private sector/products to also hear what they are thinking.
We are grateful for our very good working relations and it is a pleasure working with Plett Tourism.
Melanie Wilson (Garden Route District Municipality)
This is a great newsletter, we are proud to have been coming to Plett since 1965 and living here since 2003, and in earlier years having been involved in various organisations in Plett. Still love it!
Keith Berning
Wishing you all a very Happy Christmas or Hanukkah. Thank you for all you do for the town.
Di Butlin
Well done as always.
You have one of the most beautiful websites by construction, feel, style, content etc etc etc
Basil Smit
I wanted to thank you personally for assisting and helping us to achieve the success that’s was the Plett Arts Festival 2019. I know this has taken me a bit of time but better late than never ????
From a “limited arts festival” to keep the ball and momentum rolling after the festival was cancelled, the Plett Arts Festival 2019 turned into the largest ever visual arts festival that Plett has enjoyed to date!
All in a very big way thanks to you and your support and help offered with all the media support, the printing of the maps, the on the spot posters and red dots and the arts festival banners. For the sponsorship that you garnered to climb on board to advertise and your liaison with the CX Express.
Tourists, locals, the press and artists were excited and motivated by the festival and the art adventure which was generated as a result.
Please would you send a thank you to all the tourism staff that were involved.
With limited time, no funds and only our hearts, spirit and love of art to drive us, we did it …. we created a festival that has set a mile post and base to build on for future years.
A huge thank you to you who rallied in such trying times for tourism and gave all the fabulous support you did to the community driven effort.
It was a resounding success and it could not have been achieved without you!
I thank you.
Yours in Art,
Tracey Mae
Thanks for feedback and for putting this together! [We got] feedback from people who mentioned hearing about us through the campaign so it definitely raised awareness.
I think continued campaigns like these are essential in maintaining top of mind awareness re our beautiful area which is a perfect weekend getaway for Radio Algoa listeners.
Have a super day and thanks once again for all you do to market our magnificent bay!!!
Debbie Fermor
Hog Hollow Horse Trails
I used to live in Kranshoek, just outside Plett with my family (they’re still there). I actually visited at the end of May this year.
It was so disturbing to read about the recent protests and unnecessary damage and looting. The bigger picture is that tourism is so important in the area and we want to make sure visitors feel safe.
Our company book a lot of the properties down there, it is quite a popular choice. I do pray that in future when there is a problem that people would rather sit down to talk about grievances, instead of blocking the roads and endangering others’ lives.
Keep up the great work, it’s always a pleasure to walk around Plett and enjoy the warm hospitality.
Thank you once again for all your support for the SA Senior Open. I can say on behalf on the whole Accelerate team that it truly was a pleasure working with you and we look forward to doing it again. Plett Tourism and your support is key to the success of the event and in turn we do help it helps you to reach your goals.
We look forward to an even better event in 2019 and we will send you the post event report as soon as it is done and we would love to receive your comments on how to make the event bigger and better.
Accelerate Sport
Thanks for an interesting and informative newsletter – well done!
Little Stint Guest House
Congratulations on a great event (Plett ARTS Festival)!
Being a cash-strapped pensioner, I am very selective about the Arts I support. I’m not a wine drinker either, so fancy events are out!! But I attended the Afridocs which were excellent: the content of the films; the personal introductions; and how you created a warm and welcoming atmosphere on cold winter nights was commendable.
We have a very diverse community – and the competition is huge – but please keep up the standard: it does not have to be bigger to be successful every year. And the magazine/programme is fantastic – comprehensive and detailed and with articles with lasting interest. WELL DONE!!
Look forward to next July
Jean Sparg
Plett resident
I found the newsletter most interesting and congratulate all involved in promoting Plett, especially the Tourism Ambassadors in the Garden Route initiative, and the person who captured the fantastic video of the seal hunt. I look forward to future newsletters!
Gillian Marshall,
Just a quick note of thanks for everything you did to help the 2017 Polo International.
We had a record year and the event was better than ever.
Garth Kanigowski
Chairman – Plett Polo
From the planning (which began months before) right through to the event weekend, the Plett Tourism team were engaged, passionate, connected and well organised. Such a pleasure to work with them. The Plett Wine & Bubbly Festival is a classy, inclusive, laid back event, well worth experiencing, and this is largely due to the wonderful team pulling it all together in magical Plett. As a result of my experience working with them, I’m a convert who intends never missing the event in future…
Buli G Ngomane
Radio and TV presenter
Just a note of appreciation for the support that we enjoy from Plett Tourism. Since the very start of StreetSmart SA in Plett we have received generous support from Plett Tourism. Whether it is spreading the word about StreetSmart, maintaining relationships, recruiting partners and coordination of our activities locally, we have and continue to enjoy the most generative and abundant relationship with Plett Tourism. With gratitude and excitement for this continued relationship.
Melanie Burke
Chairman – StreetSmart SA
The Francois Ferreira Academy has worked with Plett Tourism for quite some time, and enjoy a mutually beneficial working relationship.
Our latest experience of working with them was for the Tourism Ambassador Course, and it has been outstanding in every way. They organised an amazing itinerary for the students tour, which took place yesterday, 22nd March, which the students thoroughly enjoyed. It was a very detailed tour, which showed the students the amazing variety of attractions to visit. Queries were answered promptly by the team, and the students were in awe at the end of the tour.
Plett Tourism also assisted in finding students for the course, and sent to us all the prospective students who were interviewed first. Unfortunately only 15 students could be taken. We will be working with Plett Tourism again when we present some Cape Wine Academy courses for them at the Winter Festival.
In the past, Plett Tourism has arranged tours for us of the Plett Winelands, where we have taken a group from the Chaine des Rotisseurs, an international food and wine society, members from Skal, an international tourism club, and other wine connoisseurs, where the team arranged tours of the winelands, transport and even accommodation for the groups.
We look forward to an ongoing working relationship.
Denise Lindley
Vice Principal – Francois Ferreira Academy
I have covered a number of events organised by Plett Tourism and have been consistently impressed.
The team is passionate, professional and without a doubt have the town’s best interests at heart.
Their events are well organised and showcase the town well. The team understands what people want and their organisation skills are second to none.
Also impressive is their excellent understanding of social media, which in my opinion is one of today’s most powerful marketing tools.
As an aside, I will be holidaying in Plett over Easter, a decision made after attending Plett Tourism’s events and growing to love the town. They’ve turned me into a tourist for your town. I often suggest Plett as a holiday destination for friends and family.
Angela Daniels
News Editor for The Herald and Weekend Post
I would like to pass on a BIG thank you on behalf of the Plett Winelands Association for a hugely successful, well organised and professional event (Plett Wine & Bubbly Festival 2017). You all did a wonderful job with a really glamorous show, and even though out of season and at short notice a great attendance – we did the same business on the Saturday as what we did for both days in 2016.
Well Done! Look forward to next year’s.
Peter Thorpe
Bramon Wine Estate
Thanks again to you and the Tourism team for a SPLENDID Festival.
The talks this afternoon were really interesting, and apart from all the delicious wines, the food was of top-notch quality and the ambiance wonderful. Please will you thank everyone.
Joanna Butler
What a great event. well done, all went so well.
Gloria Strack van Schyndel
Sincerest congratulations and thanks for a spectacularly successful two days. Fantastic in every way including pre-event, design, set-up, display, product mix, entertainment, access, logistics, security, appropriateness, the weather – you guys thought of everything. Truly awesome. You are the A Team. We, Plett, the Crags’ wine growers and staff, are all so fortunate to have you on board. Keep on with the good work!
Errol Finkelstein
Thank you all very much for setting up a wonderful festival, getting better every year. You all worked so hard thank you.
Plett is the Best. Been holidaying there for more than 30 years. AND ..AND… Your website is so beautiful and fresh.
Basil Smit
Just a word of thanks and congrats on a great evening at the White House yesterday. Gill and I thought that the entire presentation and programming was inspired and excellently executed. Must be a feather in the cap of Plett Tourism or should I rather say: Getting in touch with the Feeling in Plett!!
Francois Wolfaardt
Plett Resident
Please change our e-mail address from ***@telkomsa.net to ***@gmail.com. The Telkom address is being discontinued and we would hate to lose out on your news which we always read with great interest.
Many thanks,
Mary-Ann Glynos
What a pleasant group of people to deal with… You Rock!
Dominic Morel
2Heads Advertising Agency
A reader’s comments about Newsletter #124
Just to tell you that I found this last issue SO interesting and attractive! The article on Robberg… such beautiful photos. The story about the Flamingos… so touching and moving. The report on the AGM… excellent… glad we were there. Your photo of the eclipse… first class and very informative. And all the other reports, advice… etc. AND…all for free !!
Well done… sure puts Plett on the map! 😀
Chris Morris
Plett Resident
Dear Ms Butterwoth
I wish to express my sincere gratitude for making this journey come through. I would also like to take this opportunity to thank the management of CemAir for their commitment in supporting local entrepreneurship and promoting tourism.
Lastly I wish to convey a word of appreciation to the Tourism VA and Cindy in particular for her continued support. I so wish that you and your team continue with the work that you doing. It is a matter of time when you will reap the fruits of your labour and when that day come and look back, that is when you’ll realize that changing lives is no overnight task and you will be proud of the inputs you’ve made in the lives of many in our beautiful town.
I got the ticket in good order and looking forward to my first flight with CemAir our own pride.
Thembinkosi Henge
WaRafiki Tshisa Nyama
I just wanted to thank all 3 of you for all your efforts. I am greatly impressed with Plett Tourism and Municipality! You are all fantastic. You are honestly making me think about relocating from Knysna to Plett!!
Danni Wallace
I would like to compliment Plett Tourism on the splendid work they do. Plett has changed dramatically, for the better, in the past two to three years with many more social events taking place, mostly through the efforts of Plett Tourism. Well done everyone. Keep up the good work.
Caroline Clarke
Well done on an absolutely sensational show. We were blown away and absolutely thrilled with the success of the show. To see how much it has grown since last year is quite amazing. Well done and thank you for all the hard work.
Lauren Ritchie, RE Vineyards
(about the Sasfin Plett Wine & Bubbly Festival)
Facebook comments about the Plett Food Film Festival…
“Wonderful times, glad I was part of some of them thank you love to you all”
Bertha Ollemans
“Well done delish food and great wine !!”
Rosie Deans
“We had a fabulous time!!!!”
Sharon Malan
“A great evening with great memories created! Thanks to everyone for their support!”
Leon Coetzee Executive Chef, Kurland Hotel
“Amazing….it was a night to remember.”
Cindy Wilson-Trollip
“#PlettMAD loved it!”
Elle Redman
“A Year in Burgundy’ is a movie that will make you fall in love with wine all over again. Well done #plettMAD for a fantastic evening!”
Food 24
“Welcome to #PlettMAD. Delicious Film Compelling Food.”
Lika Berning
I wanted to tell you how impressed I am with all the promoting you are doing for Plett. I love reading your magazine and I think you are all doing the most amazing job. Well Done.
Vanessa Hickey
Just wanted to let you know that we had a fabulous evening last night at the Festival – a really great night out. The Whitehouse was packed with a hugely enthusiastic audience who revelled in the movie, the food and the entertainment. Reza was also a huge hit and he ‘worked’ the room all evening – when he wasn’t rolling his sleeves up and getting stuck in with the catering – amazing! All involved can be justifiably proud – a great success all round!
Peter McKenzie
I’ve always been content with G-town National Arts Festival. It is time for change.
Sizwe Saliso
More Plett cleverness!
Oyster Beach House
Sifiso Lupuzi, proud of you guys!
Fundi Tyumre
Looks fantastic! Congratulations to all involved! Wish I was there!
Karien Van Deventer
A great evening with great memories created. Thanks to everyone for their support!
Leon Coetzee
We had a fabulous time!!!!
Sharon Malan
All looking lovely!!
Eileen Covarr
A most enjoyable evening – thank you.
Joan Ridley Holmes
Well done. Delish food and great wine.
Rosie Deans
I absolutely applaud Plett Tourism and the way they have put Plett back on track. Knysna and Plett are indeed SA’s best playground (after Cape Town), offering a wonderful lifestyle, and not plagued by insecurities and other big city syndromes.
Ling Dobson
Owner, Pam Golding Properties Knysna
What a super newsletter. Thanks.
Gloria Strack
As an absentee homeowner with a gorgeous house that we get to quite a lot, can I just congratulate you all again on a really good ‘promotional newsletter’. Content and appearance is excellent. I am sure you are succeeding wonderfully in getting the activity-minded tourists in and giving fresh ideas on what Plett has to offer. Hope it is getting huge circulation. All the best.
Diarmuid Baigrie
This is a great newsletter – you nailed it, well done!
Mary Jane Waite, At The Source
We were fortunate enough to spend three weeks over Christmas and New Year in Plett and not once in my 22 years in South Africa have I been so deeply impressed by a community as yours… that teamwork is taking place between residents and municipality, to make Plett a special place and to cherish and treasure what nature has given to this amazing part of South Africa. Read the full letter here
Monika Rowe
The Plett Tourism Association has done a wonderful job in 2014 and one can feel the exciting vibe in Plett with many new events taking place, and in the pipeline. Plett’s new slogan is “It’s A Feeling!”, and you will undoubtedly experience it… read more
Chas Everitt Plett
Super newsletter, thanks,
Gloria, Plettenvale Wines
WELL DONE – you guys have been amazing. Bramon appreciates you all SO MUCH!!!!!
Caroline, Bramon Wines
Dear Peter,
Just to say you and your team have done a fantastic job this year.
Here’s to an even greater 2015.
Yours ever,
Robin Pelham-Reid
Thank you my darling Patty/Pete and Plett Tourism – you are such rock stars Plett Tourism …SUCH a difference WOW!!!!!
Thanks so much for the back up, help and attention you give the winelands. BRAMON LOVES YOU. We have done everything alone for so long and all this help is just stunning.
You guys do everything so beautifully – thank you for helping Plett look great and professional. WELL DONE. xxxx”
Caroline, Bramon Wines
“Hi Patty, I think the festival was a huge success and am sure you’re proud of how it turned out – I can imagine the amount of effort and co-ordination that goes into planning an event of this stature. Congratulations to all of you on an awesome event and thanks you again for the prize which was greatly appreciated!!!”
Ian Swart, Ian Swart Architects (Winner of the Breakaways Competition)
“CONGRATULATIONS – what a great website!”
Enya Fehler, 113 on Robberg
“I want to congratulate you on the wonderful work and the great new look of the website www.pletttourism.co.za. I have just explored the entire site and think it is quite amazing. Very well done on leading the team to new heights.”
Felicity Cross
“Congratulations! This is a beautiful website.”
Claire Minnitt
“Your work on Plett – It’s a feeling is super. I love getting all the news of coming events and you do it so well.”
June and Chris Morris, Residents
“Well done! I am seriously impressed.”
Christa, Christiana Lodge
“Congrats to all concerned with the new website – it really does Plett proud and will be of enormous benefit to our visitors – and locals! Looks really stunning – well done indeed!”
Peter McKenzie
“Plett really has a fantastic website. Thanx to whoever was the brain, organised it and those who maintain it and those with the ideas.”
Basil Smith
“Well done everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!! So happy to see this action in Plett… how wonderful to have this so professionally done!! YAHOOOOOOOOO.”
Nadia Burger
“Well done Plett Tourism!! Looks awesome!”
Trevor Niksch, AV Design
“Well done Plett Tourism for all your enthusiastic initiatives to keep Plett on the map and in peoples minds. I like the new logo too, just a simple plett in lower case works well! Well done and good luck!”
Charlotte Ford, Resident
“Beautiful new website – congratulations!!!!”
Debbie Fermor, Hog Hollow Horse Trails
“Truly impressed with the email quality and the creative innovation in Plett.”
Mike Fihrer
Just to tell you that I found this last issue SO interesting and attractive! The article on Robberg… such beautiful photos. The story about the Flamingoes… so touching and moving .
The report on the meeting … excellent… glad we were there. Your photo of the eclipse… first class and very informative. And all the other reports, advice…etc.
AND… all for free!!
Well done… sure puts us on the map! 😀
Got something to say?
If you have any feedback, positive or negative, or even a suggestion, we’d like to hear from you.
Please email us on webmaster@pletttourism.com.
The Plett Tourism Team