Wine experts Anton and PeeBee in Wine Theatre 

Wine theatre expert PeeBee (left) with winemaker Anton Smal at last year's Wine Theatre
Published: October 16th, 2016
Wine theatre experts PeeBee and Anton Smal

Wine theatre experts PeeBee and Anton Smal

Wine experts Peter Bishop (PeeBee) and Anton Smal entertained a room full of festival-goers at a new event during the Sasfin Plett Wine & Bubbly Festival this year, the Wine Legends Theatre.

The purpose of this sub-event was to focus in detail on the wines and MCCs that were on offer at the festival, and discuss each of the selected wines from a connoisseur’s perspective.

Well-known wine columnist and wine aficionado, Peter Bishop (PeeBee), and local winemaker Anton Smal expounded on the Méthode Cap Classiques of the Plett region, providing tastings from 5 MCCs in the Plett Winelands. These included Bramon, Newstead, Plettenvale, Kay and Monty, and the newest MCC to the area, Lodestone.

Each MCC was ceremoniously uncorked using the highly entertaining method of sabrage. Thereafter guests were all provided with a tasting, and the wine was discussed at length by both PeeBee and Anton.

At the end of the event, PeeBee and Anton posed questions to the audience and those who answered correctly were rewarded with a bottle of wine or MCC from the Plett Winelands.

The event was incredibly interesting, highly amusing, and is sure to be a regular feature at future wine festivals.


Sabrage performed with a wine flute

Anton Smal performs a sabrage with a champagne flute at the Sasfin Plett Wine & Bubbly Festival.