Reject the municipal bylaw as it presently stands 

Published: May 18th, 2018
by Peter Wallington


Plett Tourism is opposed to the proposed Bitou Municipality Tourism Bylaw as it is presently worded.



It contains many clauses with which we disagree, and is silent on many critical issues which need to be covered. Mostly, we oppose the principle of the destination marketing function being under municipal control, and the apparent termination of Plett Tourism’s role, with no reasons being given nor with any regard to what has been achieved over the past five years and to the ongoing work in progress. (One of many issues: Plett Tourism’s funding ceases end June, but the Plett Arts Festival runs from 25 June to 9 July!)

We are actively engaging with political, business, community and tourism stakeholders across the spectrum to find common ground.

We will formally comment on the bylaw as it currently stands and propose an alternative solution which builds on the success of Plett Tourism’s work of the past five years, rather than discarding it, as the bylaw seeks to do.



Destination management, brand building and marketing require medium to long term commitment, planning and execution. This is not the environment in which Plett Tourism has been able to work in recent years: operating budget cuts and a slow but continuous “capture” of Plett Tourism’s previously agreed areas of work (to the point of a parallel “tourism department” being in play) have taken their toll on the organisation’s work and performance. We do not think this is in the interests of Plettenberg Bay, its tourism industry or those who seek employment in the town.

Please add your voice by emailing your objections / comments, as soon as possible but not later than 8 June 2018, to (In the interests of transparency please copy



  1. Reject the bylaw as it is currently written. The main points of contention are:
    1. Municipality will control tourism through appointing board and chair
    2. The board will then determine priority of spend after “consultation with tourism establishments”
    3. Municipality not bound by advice from board or board members and is at liberty to allocate funds as it deems fit
    4. Compulsory fees / charges / tariffs to fund projects determined by Municipality
    5. Is silent on Plett Tourism’s role (if any) and who will do the work of destination marketing and who will run the Tourism Information Office.
    6. Compels establishments to register with a “tourist organisation” which must then
      1. Discipline establishments
      2. Collect & hand over data – including ownership info
      3. Collect & hand over levies to the municipality
      4. Report establishments not registered
      5. Provides for “search and seizure” of premises and materials if non-compliance is suspected, and for fines and imprisonment if convictions follow.


  2. Propose rather that:
    1. Plett Tourism’s role as the independent, “tourism organisation” in Bitou is reconfirmed and legitimised.
    2. The permanence of this role is recognised so the strategy and execution of the plans can take place in a certain and continuous manner.
    3. A fixed funding mechanism is put in place to provide certainty and continuity, so Plett Tourism can plan and do its work in a professional manner.
    4. The principle underlying the structure of the board is maintained – to consist of democratically elected representatives from tourism, community and business, with two municipal officials being appointed by the Municipality.
    5. Clear lines of communication between the Municipality, Council and Plett Tourism are established so (a) Council and Municipal input into Plett Tourism is clear and within the scope of the agreement and (b) there are clear reporting mechanisms back to Council and the Municipality. This is crucial if a process of collaboration is to be fostered.


We thank all those who have supported us to date, and in particular are grateful for the Save Plett Tourism petition. Please add your voice to it if you have not yet done so.

Plett Tourism is committed to building on its work to establish Plett as a premium destination brand of choice, and to enable an integrated, inclusive tourism economy with opportunity and benefits for all our people. But it can only do this where its role is recognised and supported by key role-players.

It makes no sense to terminate Plett Tourism’s work for no reason.

We will shortly communicate again with all stakeholders.


View the proposed bylaw | View Plett Tourism’s achievements